Data Detail: Individual Episode

GoldenGirls: "Blanche and the Younger Man"

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Title "Blanche and the Younger Man"
ll Directory GoldenGirls/19851116/
Episode Date 1985-11-16
Length 1,374 seconds
22.9 minutes
Laughs Logged 62
Average Laugh Interval (ALI) 22.16 seconds
Median Laugh Interval (MLI) 19.5 seconds
MLI/ALI 0.88
Laughs Per Minute 2.71
Mode 25
Minimum Mode 25
Maximum Mode 25
Minimum LL 5
Maximum LL 107
Range 102
Standard Deviation 15.71
CV 70.90
Skewness 2.81
Q1 12.00
Q3 27.00
IQR 15.00
Variance 246.89
Date Submitted 2015-12-02 09:31:32
Last Modified 1449073894
IMDbID tt0088526
IMDb Title GoldenGirls


Jeremy Butler
Professor Emeritus of TV and Film
The University of Alabama
Laugh Logger Screen Shot

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Telecommunication and Film Department

College of Communication and Information Sciences

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